Saturday, August 30, 2003
wassup everybody...
i don't think anyone reads this yet, but as a note to myself, i need to get back to redesigning isipko.
some plans i have for a lil subpage is a link to 'phuck' a place familiar to few. when you klick the link it'll have a pic of place and if klick on the ramp you'll go up to the top level where you can klick on the cars and or their respective owners which will bring you to a small 'bio/profile' along with a small gallery of pics etc.
another idea that i've been playing around with is movie review section. lately i've spent alot of time in front of the TV checking out various DVDs and HK flicks. I'm thinking after i watch a movie i'll write out a small review and synopsis. throw in a couple of links to find good pics of the actors/actresses.
of course the trick to all this is to find/alott the time and effort into creating all this... if anyone has any advice or would offer suggestions or help i'd be gracious. in particular any ideas how to remove the banners at the bottom of the page.
Thursday, July 31, 2003
haha i'm playing with this new blogging software, my page should be updated on the regular now, so hurry back and check it out! also visit: